
Eastern Branch Meeting February 15, 2022

Detroit District Dental Society Eastern Branch Meeting

Event cancelled and rescheduled to May 17, 2022.

Registration and Networking 5:35pm
Dinner and Education 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: City Kitchen

Price $70.00 per meeting Members and guests, 
$90.00 per meeting Non-members
Eastern Branch Dues $240.00 for all four meetings.
You may pay at the door or if you would like to pay for the series of four meetings at Branch Dues online 
Branch Dues savings open to DDDS Member and Associate members only. 

You may pay at the door.

Please register NO later than a week prior to the meeting and select your ENTRÉE of either chicken, fish, beef, or vegetarian. If there are any additional dietary needs. Please do let us know IN ADVANCE.  
