Eastern Branch Detroit District Website
The Eastern Branch hold four dinner CE meeting from Setember to March each year. The prgrams have moved to the Bronze Door Restaurant because City Kitchen banquet rooms are not open. Registration is open to all dentists.
The Eastern Branch needs volunteers. The Eastern Branch President, Vice President, and Secretary positions are all open. The volunteer work if easily done and a good connection to helping the district function well to help all dentists in the area. Please contact the DDDS office if you are interested in learning more about volunteering at centraloffice@detroitdentalsociety.com.
Current Acting Eastern Branch President: Dr. Jehan Wakeem, Wakeem Dentistry.
Two Surveys on Future CE Topics - open to all dentists - we want your input for CE topics:
Future of Dentist Survey - what topics about the future of dentistry are you interested in?
CE Branch Dinner Topics - help pick the future topics for meetings