Share your expertise and information with the Detroit District Dental Society. 

The Detroit District Dental Society has three committees working on scheduling of presentations for brining information to the dental audience.  

We are searching for a variety of dental presentations to present to dentists. The first deadline for submissions May 27, 2024.  All presentations are to be educational and not an advertisement. 

Presentation Areas:
  • CE for dental licensure for pain management, infection control, dentistry skills, new product information for treating patients, state licensure requirements.
  • Series to Dental Students and New Dentists that are 0-10 years from graduation for personal and business skills, life enrichment, protecting your health physical and mental well being
  • Series to Mature Dentists who are at the stage of their career where they may be 0-10 years in retirement
  • Series to dental professional in building their resource team as hiring a lawyer, personal financial planner, tax consultant, insurance planning, family/ life preparedness planning

Please complete the form below.  Questions contact Marcy Dwyer Detroit District Dental Society 313.337.4900. 

Personal and Business Topics for Dentists

Thank you for participating in submitting topics that you could present to New Dentists (those 0-10 years from graduation) and Mature Dentists (those 0-10 years from retirement.  The Detroit District Dental Society is working to provide a series for programs on personal and business topics for our dental  audience.  The CE for the programs would be coordinated by the Detroit District Dental Society.

The presentations are to be educational in format and not a commercial advertisement.   

Presentations can be for all dentists - at all ages - and stages of their career.  

Please list all personal topics you would like to suggest for consideration.

Please list all personal topics you would like to suggest for consideration.

Please list the contact person name, title, company

Please list work phone, optional cell phone