Future of Dentistry Evaluation and Website Links

Joint Meeting Detroit District Dental Society & Wolverine Dental Society

June 13, 2023

The Future of Dentistry & Implicit Bias

Website links

Michigan Diverse Dental Alliance (MDDA)
Detroit District Dental Society
Wolverine Dental Society
Google AI schedule a hair appointment on YouTube

If you would like access to the video recording webinar show on June 13, 2023, contact Marcy Dwyer, DDDS office at centraloffice@detroitdentalsociety.com or 313.337.4900.


Please complete the evaluation of this program.

The Future of Dentistry Evaluation

Thank you for participating in The Future of Dentistry webinar on June 13, 2023. We hope you enjoyed the program. The goal was to introduce some of the future trends for dentistry, have a connection to the changing demographics with people in Michigan, and the required topic for Michigan CE implicit bias.

Future of Dentistry - What are your interest for follow up presentations?

Implicit Bias Presentation

Racial bias is embedded within medical formulas doctors use every day:
Implicit bias is processed neurologically at a conscious level:

This implicit bias presentation covered three elements that we would like feedback on for the presentation. The information on handling your own person reaction to implicit bias. The concepts were:

  1. Self Check
  2. Interrupt your though process to recognize the bias or unintentionally bias statement or action
  3. Accountability – how to apologize or have further dialog with a person
Would you like an implicit bias handout of the three points with examples of taking points for personal follow up in discussion bias, apology wording, questions for understanding, and example of “I” statements for follow up?

Connection to the dental organizations

The Michigan Diverse Dental Alliance (MDDA) represents a group of dental organizations across the state working together for a common goal – moving dentistry forward. The goal is to encourage, guide, and welcome more students from all backgrounds into this rewarding field, we all benefit. When care and community align, the health of our communities improves. This website is full of resources to help those interested in a career in the dental field and for those interested in promoting careers in dentistry. The website offers resources for students, parents, and leaders who want to provide information for those pursuing dental careers. The website is full of resources regarding the paths to a career as a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant. Resources for high school and college students that want to gain experience, prepare for the next phase of study, and find out what areas of dentistry interest them most and can learn about summer prep programs and internships. There are Michigan-Specific resources and a section for nationwide association and scholarship resources. This website contains video testimonials from dentists sharing their paths to dentistry. The committee believes if ‘students can see it, they can be it’. The target audience is high school students and early college students, as well as their parents, guidance counselors, vocational and career center students. Resources will continue to be added as they are developed to maintain a relevant up to date resource center for attracting students to the profession of dentistry.

I would like information for volunteering for community outreach with dental students, high school students, clinics, Detroit public schools, veterans, etc.

Final question